Ughhhh, we have no computer. This is killing me. I want to post things of all the stuff I've done as far as household projects go but alas, no way of doing that. In fact right now, I'm sneaking a quick entry in at work. I'm trying to clean out my croffice (You know! Craft + Office = Croffice!) as best I can. Now here's for the crappy news...even crappier than not having a computer or a dedicated space to create...The Monster. Is. MOVING!!! *Sigh* The first of June and she's out of the house and into her own world. Sad but true. I guess I'll have to use the phone more or something, although e-mailing while we're at work always works out well for us. *Shrug*
I promise to have something really worthwhile on here soon, promise, promise, promise!