Friday, July 30, 2010

7 Things...

Jaymi Pop had a post with seven random things, and she said she wasn't nominating anyone because she's too I sort of nominated myself. This is an easy one to get me back into posting since July was our "unofficial holiday". It was busy and we just needed a break. The shop will be open again soon and The Monster and Me will be updated regularly again too.

So let's see, where should I begin...

1. I'd rather eat room temperature pizza, seriously, not hot, not cold, just regular room temperature.
2. I started selling Avon. Trust me, it's random.
3. Irregular noises bother me soooo much. If you were to drag your nails on a chalkboard, I think I would do better than if you dropped a basketball. (Not only is that random, it's down right weird!)
4. I have really cute aquatic stickers on my laptop (there's a fish and a crab and a seahorse, hahaha, I sound like a 5 year old)
5. I love cereal so much, I could live on it alone for the rest of my life!
6. I am currently watching my lover customize a go kart on ModNation Racers.
7. I am green with envy of all the girls I know named Jaimie or Jaymi that are preggo. Congrats girls!
