Monday, June 21, 2010


So I've been a terrible blogger lately. Sorry! I don't know what my problem is besides an unhealthy addiction to Farmville. I realized today why I love it so much, not only does it make me feel connected to my roots even though I am so far away (I grew up on a goat farm in Maryland)in some loose animated way but also it makes me forget all the stupid BS that's going on in my life.
Let's see what's been going on...
Went to the Etsy craft party on Friday the 18th. Uhhh, it was interesting, to put it mildly. We couldn't really find it and drove around the park. The second time we realized there was a fight happening in the middle of the street. We stopped to help because, I don't care what happens or who is wrong, 12 people do not need to beat on one person.
The party was fun and the food was good. It was a little too chilly to craft but we got to hang with some of our favorite crafty gals, Deanna, Jaymi and Amy, and we meet some new people too. Then we went to Joe's Crab Shack for a night cap with Deanna. Good times.
I've been getting some more orders on Etsy for chalkboards and those need to be made. Just so everyone knows, The Love bought the first round of supplies for the chalkboards and he is the only one who can cut a straight line so he cuts them for me. Just so we're clear, because he always fusses at me when I saw "me" when it should be "we" (or "him"!).
I got a lot of requests for the recipe for my step-mom's cashew brittle, everyone loved it! I was so happy, because it was a last minute decision and went over so sooo well. Hooray! Recipe to follow! Promise!
I think that's it for now really. I feel like this was really long winded. Sorry!

I'll leave you all with a ridiculous product shot of one of my pincushion flower rings. :o)
