Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blogging, Huh?

So lately I've been perusing through the internet finding myself reading blogs from other artsy chicks, not exactly intentionally. I recently found Etsy. Combing through pages upon pages of inspiration and "Oh my god I have to have it!"s, I read profiles and twinge a slight green color from the envy. These lovelies are doing this for a living! Or at least for sanity. I've been reading profiles which lead me to friends of the artist, and then into countless blogs and then, like Alice into the rabbit hole, this magical and swirling colorful world that I long to be in.
Okay, okay, so I'm already sort of in it, but not making it as widely known. I recall having conversations with the Monster about opening
a shop up. One with a bakery case filled with sweet sugared treats. A space brimming with funky stuff and anything we felt like making at the time. This is what I want to do 'when I grow up'.

Perhaps I should start with a little back story?
It all started once I fell in love with a boy. You see, I'm originally from Maryland, and growing up I had always been one of those "One day I'm gonna leave this one horse town" sort of people. Enter said boy, and two months after dating and, something like, two months (maybe?) of planning, I found myself here, in California. I sometimes think I'm still getting used to it...but that's another story. Once I moved out here I started to sort of, well, cook. I had made maybe one real attempt at a dinner in my life before moving and let me tell you, not. delicious.
So into the kitchen and into the fire I guess. I got a bug and I got it real bad. Somehow cooking turned into baking and then scrapbooking. I know, not a very normal transition. I suppose others had caught on because for Valentine's Day, the Love, along with help from the Monster,
created a euphoric space for creativity for my present. It seems the kitchen table had been sort of overtaken and's hard to have family dinners around glue and soldering irons. :o)
I have always wanted to 'make things', sometimes I tried, but things never really panned out. Now I'm more focused and all of this blog reading and shades of chartreuse that I've found coloring my mood have led me here.
This is where I am, The Monster and Me. I want to make things for a living, things that not only make me happy by creating them but others happy by having these baubles in their lives.
I haven't exactly worked out all the details, or found my niche yet, and I'm not sure if I ever will. I like a lot of things, and they seem to like me because I find inspiration and run with it whenever I can.

Come along for my journey will you?
