Monday, July 21, 2008

Blue goo...

Sunday we took the boat out to a new place. It's a lot different then where we usually go, even down to the color of the water. As others went out on the water later in the day, I opted to hang back and walk around, take a few pictures. Okay, 'a few pictures' means I took a TON of pictures as I always do. The landscape there was amazing. I think it had to do with the water being so low this year. It leaves more earth exposed and you can see the repercussions of what being underwater for so long does to things. The dirt, the rocks, trees and plants, it was like finding new and alien things. I think that was the best part of the day, just wondering around and exploring. I've included some eye candy so that you too can view this awe inspiring sight. Nature just amazes me. I've been thinking about doing some sort of summer project, and this just adds more proverbial fuel to the fire.

When we got home and had washed off it was time to lather on the aloe. Not just any aloe mind you, the lidocaine and menthol enhanced aloe, the blue kind. That slightly sticky goo brought relief to myself and the Love, he was really red. I was only roughly rouge. :o)
I started a pot of French onion soup for tonight's dinner. I still can't get the onion smell off the tips of my fingers. The Monster says her clothes still smell funky, and she wasn't even in the kitchen. Whoops!
After we ate it tonight for dinner the Love and I decided that there is still something missing. I'll have to try adding more seasoning next time in order to truly perfect the recipe. On a side note I think I could make a meal just out of baguette with melted gruyère cheese on top. Deeee-licious.
