Thursday, July 31, 2008

Don't spill the beans...

I'm sure you, reading this, are smart enough to figure out where I got the name "The Monster & Me".
I'm sort of trying to be secretive about this whole process, until I get it 'going' a little more and then I want to let the Monster in on it. That way, it's more of a surprise. However, the Love seems to have his own ideas. We were out over the weekend and as we're walking into the pet store to buy some chow for the puppies, he says "Have you told her about your blog yet?". Just like that! What?!?! Are you crazy, saying the "B" word in front of her....geez! I was so shocked and cut him eyes so hard, I think somewhere something might have melted. Needless to say, mum was the word after that. He was going to blow it, the whole kit and kaboodle. So I guess she forgot about it and didn't really ask too many more questions. *Phew* Thank goodness.
I guess you've got to be careful who you tell stuff to these days. ;o)
