Saturday, February 6, 2010

For the record...

I love sleep. In fact, I REALLY love sleep. I think I'm going to give it up though. Not completely, that would be just plain crazy!

The Love gets up at 4am for his job and I may start getting up with him. I think it could really benefit me. There is just so much that I can get done in those early morning hours. I want to make him breakfast so he stops leaving the house hungry and eating off the roach coach (blech!). I could blog in the morning and get some housework done. I could even work out! (We all know summer is around the corner.)
When I get home from work sometimes I just want to veg. I don't feel like doing the dishes or folding laundry. In the morning though there is nothing else for me to do until I have to leave, right? Who's with me? Maybe I'm just crazy and this is a pipe dream.
Now, if only I can stay away from the siren song of sleep.