Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The joys of shopping...

Ugh, I can’t tell if I’m sick or just allergy ridden, which does not excuse my lack of posts. Sorry. I really wanted to tell you guys about all the great places we went, two (I think) Saturdays ago.
We had a girls outing to Sac which consisted of getting doughnuts and fruit at Safeway, shopping at Crimson and Clover, the antiques store on J street and of course checking out Ms. Cluck’s Indie Sacramento show at The California Museum on O street.
We started out at Indie Sac hoping to score a free swag bag as one of the fifty first patrons through the door, SCORE! One mission down. The event was awesome, and jam packed with crafty goodness. I was dumbfounded by all of the talent in that lobby. I only walked out of there with, like, everyone’s business card, and two wooden rings from Haworth Handmade. They are so simple and so so pretty.

I got one with a heart burned into it and as we left the show I got down on one knee and asked The Monster to be my crafting partner. She thinks I’m a huge dork (which I am) but it made her and her mom and sister laugh a lot. Which is always a good thing.
After that we swung by the antique store on J st, which was kind of a bust because those ladies know what is going on and price accordingly. I did however leave with a mushroom shaped salt (or pepper, there was only one!) shaker. It was sort of a boring tan color so I got out my glossy yellow paint when I got home and gave the lil’ guy a makeover, a la Me.

I do believe the doughnuts and fruit from Safeway was next on our little adventure, we’re all trying to watch our figures so it was only one doughnut (Sprinkles!!!) and some blackberries that were supa ( a new phrase from my sis-tor) yummy and tart!

The best best part was Crimson and Clover because almost as soon as we walked in I saw a pair of brown salt water sandals for $10 and they were MY SIZE!!! Which also happens to be a ten, and let me tell you, trying to find amazing shoes in my giant size is not a very easy task. I sort of overlooked them because I was like “those will end up being an 8 or a 7 if I pick them up.” So of course everyone had to point them out to me until I did pick them up. Good thing or else I would have walked out of there without those amazing shoes. Alright, enough yapping here are some more pictures.
