Saturday, August 7, 2010

I may be the only one...

I started tanning yesterday because I'm in my friend's wedding in a few weeks and I was as I was getting ready, I had a thought. I think that I'm probably the only one who puts sunscreen on before going tanning. HA! I don't put it all over. I just protect my investments. You know, my tattoos. Okay, and I put it on my face. I'm afraid of being a leatha-face when I get older. :o)

In other news, I've finished another book on my quest to conquer 26 before 26. Hooray! Plus, a co-worker's wife invited me to a crafting for the cause type of get together and we're going to be making quilts for project Linus! Sooo, not only a good cause but another one off my list! This is the super simple quilt I'm going to t.r.y. to make.

Link here.

Progress pics later.
