Thursday, January 6, 2011

Work it out...

Lately I’ve been doing Crossfit, which is a type of work out program based on functional fitness. It’s movements that you need for life, squatting, lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. Basically it keeps you movin’ and shakin’ until you croak if you stick with it. I think I started in October but I didn’t really stick with it and I was on again off again but I’m back on the bandwagon as of January.
Crossfit and I have a love hate relationship. I love the variety and the idea of it, the core values and principles of what Crossfit is all about. I hate actually doing it though! It’s so hard sometimes to get my body to cooperate with what my mind is telling it to do.
I hate to run, I hate to breathe heavy, hell I just hate working out! I love what it can do for me and how happy I am when I complete a work-out though.
It’s hard and it hurts, sometimes I cry because believe me there IS crying in Crossfit and gasping for air like a fish out of water and puking, but I really feel that the reward outweighs the pain.
Occasionally I’ll be posting work outs or personal goals or more info for anyone interested. I’m trying to kick a nasty Zynga habit and replace it with more blogging and creation. Wish me luck!
