Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm giving in...for now

"You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water."

- Rabindranath Tagore

So I'm horrible at this. I haven't updated and I'm not sure the direction I want to go with this anyways. Just crafts, more personal, I'm not sure. Plus, I haven't really been focusing on The Monster and Me very much. So I'm giving in, caving, tapping out, for now at least. I hope to figure it out and come back around renewed, refreshed and hopefully more regular (and I'm not talking bowel movements here!). I feel like I need to get off the computer and do something. I'm starting to go out more, and I have a few projects in my head that I want to come to life and I always have this nagging guilt about this blog in the back of my mind, I thought I owed it to you three readers I have. Wish me luck! xox Me

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Work it out...

Lately I’ve been doing Crossfit, which is a type of work out program based on functional fitness. It’s movements that you need for life, squatting, lifting, pushing, pulling, etc. Basically it keeps you movin’ and shakin’ until you croak if you stick with it. I think I started in October but I didn’t really stick with it and I was on again off again but I’m back on the bandwagon as of January.
Crossfit and I have a love hate relationship. I love the variety and the idea of it, the core values and principles of what Crossfit is all about. I hate actually doing it though! It’s so hard sometimes to get my body to cooperate with what my mind is telling it to do.
I hate to run, I hate to breathe heavy, hell I just hate working out! I love what it can do for me and how happy I am when I complete a work-out though.
It’s hard and it hurts, sometimes I cry because believe me there IS crying in Crossfit and gasping for air like a fish out of water and puking, but I really feel that the reward outweighs the pain.
Occasionally I’ll be posting work outs or personal goals or more info for anyone interested. I’m trying to kick a nasty Zynga habit and replace it with more blogging and creation. Wish me luck!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Listen to the music...

How could I forget about

My friend Jodi introduced me to to, wow...5 or 6 years ago. It's been a long time. I was reading one of my blogs that I follow (Simple Mom, if you're interested) and Tsh mentioned that she listens to music while she blogs and linked to her profile. Whistles and alarms went off. I have one of those!!! So today I recovered my username and password (iamthehunter, also if you're interested) so that I too could listen to the awesomeness that is Don't get me wrong, I love Pandora but what happens when I go over my monthly limit? Right?
So for those of you who don't know what is, they describe themselves as a recommendation system. You download the "scrobbler" (I love that word!) and listen to your music, on your itunes, on their site, wherever and it keeps track of what you like so that it can find new music that you might be interested in. It saves all of your songs into your library which you can play as whole.
Saving your library is a really neat feature because my profile still has all my old music on it, since I haven't logged on in a while, and I'm listening to stuff I forgot I loved. HA! Hooverphonic, mewithoutyou, Turbonegro! Awesome!!! is free, the scrobbler is free to download and I'm on a mission to find some new awesome music so it's hitting the spot right now. You should check it out.

(source: weheartit)

How do you listen to music?


Sunday, September 5, 2010

It never gets easier...

I've come to the conclusion that death never gets easier to deal with. It feels like just yesterday my Nana passed away and yesterday I lost my Grandpa. I don't remember what it's called but basically it was a scarring of the lungs that prevented him from getting enough oxygen. He was on 24/7 oxygen and then started to become confused easily and got exhausted very fast.
When I went home for my family reunion in July, he didn't know who I was when I first said Hi to him. That was so hard. I believe he is in a better place now. He passed at home, surrounded by his family and all of their love. Everyone is doing as well as can be expected. It wasn't sudden so I think it was easier for everyone to come to terms with it.

I feel like an asshole for being three thousand miles away. I also wanted to keep on floating on denial (my favorite river) and just thinking that he was going to get better. My optimism failed me. I'll be going home for the services next week. It's going to be tough.

Sorry for being a downer.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Poly problem...

I've been sort of addicted to Polyvore lately. I kept saying I would never sign up even though other people were using it. It's cool and I love it, so I'm not sure why I kept telling myself I wouldn't sign up...maybe it was to save my obsessive self the extra time suck. Who knows. So here are some sets I've made.

So that's what I've got so far.

Offline I've been slowly bringing my quilt stuff in so that I can work on it.I'm trying to work on my list of stuff to accomplish before my birthday since it seems to be fast approaching! We're about to go out of town for a little mini-vacay to a freezing lake (The last time we went it was freezing. I loved it though) and then our friends are getting married this weekend. So excited!!!! Pictures of our adventures to come.
